Video: Setting up WordPress error reporting with Raygun

| 2 min. (294 words)

I’ve got a quick update following the announcement of our shiny new Raygun For WordPress error reporting Plugin. We’ve put together a screencast showing how to install and enable it in your WordPress site – the plugin already makes the process easy, but for those who would like to see what’s involved, here it is!

Setting up WordPress error reporting is easy

The installation process only takes a couple of minutes, and with zero code to write during configuration, it couldn’t be simpler. The plugin allows you to add your API key from your admin panel, in addition to exposing error reporting and 404 reporting options.

For those of you not aware of how Raygun can help you, I’ve also included a demo of some of Raygun’s main features. In the video I generate an HTTP 404 error (missing page) from my test WordPress site. The error is automatically sent to the Raygun service. I then show you the error using the beautiful dashboard, where a range of data is available including data about the error.

The benefit of this is that you get to see the error and find the root cause without ever bothering your users! Of course, the benefits of ensuring your site isn’t riddled with bugs is that you have happier users, more engagement and that’s a good thing! 🙂

PHP Error Reporting

If you’re a PHP developer but do not use WordPress then we have your back! Raygun supports native PHP just fine with our dedicated PPHP error reporting provider. We have plenty of customers already working with our PHP support.

Your feedback is always appreciated

Post a comment if you found this video useful, or if you’d like more information on our WordPress error reporting plugin.

Happy blasting!