Provider updates roundup

| 2 min. (218 words)

As you might have noticed, Raygun now supports a whole bunch of popular programming languages and frameworks – with nine official providers and more third-party ones, Raygun supports a variety of the most popular development ecosystems in use today. We’re not resting, though – the last few weeks have seen the release of several new providers. Older providers have also received a smattering of bug fixes, updates and refactorings so that your apps can continue to send errors with minimal performance hits.

In the near future, we’ll be announcing even more new providers for mobile ecosystems – stay tuned for more information! As of now, the following providers have received these updates:

.NET/WinRT/Windows Phone

Version 1.0.7

Raygun4Net details

  • Improved sending of form data
  • Unified sync/async method signatures

Ruby on Rails

Version 0.0.5

Raygun4ruby details

  • Initial release with support for Rails 3 and 4, and Ruby 2


Raygun4WP details

Version: 1.0.3. This upgrade is strongly recommended.

  • Embedded Raygun dashboard into plugin
  • Added ‘send test error’ button on Configuration page
  • Added status indicator when plugin is set up correctly & enabled
  • More robust error and 404 sending logic


Raygun4py details

Version: 1.0.0

  • Official release for Python 2.6/2.7
  • Breaking change from 0.1.2: package name is now raygun4py


Raygun4java details

Version: 1.0.2

  • Breaking changes: switched to maven package management